At a time when telecom operators and communication service providers increasingly look for better ways to elevate the level of customer experience and deliver true mobility, smart AAA functionalities can create a solid platform.
The operators can deliver a true next generation customer experience to their subscribers on such platforms. Fast emergence of next generation services, combined with mobility needs is driving a new age of convergence for voice, data, video and text messaging driven services. Also, operators have to deal with prepaid, postpaid, wired, wireless, mobile, fixed and nomadic scenarios. New generation AAA Servers are now expected to do a lot more than integrate with charging engine and authorize pre-paid credit. In fact, now authorization is not merely a feature, it’s a full-fledged application that needs to handle complex business logic for different use cases of multiple and converged service scenarios.
In today’s scenario, telecom operators have to deal with multiple technologies while delivering services to their customers, using a confluence of fixed broadband and local access wireless technologies and provide seamless connectivity for home, office and in-building usage thereby enabling complete mobility. Additionally, today, there are multiple set of smart devices that a customer can select to consume data from any location, anytime. Hence, an operator or a CSP needs to incorporate a smart AAA solution that can enable single authentication mechanism for the customer’s home broadband usage as well as Wi-Fi connectivity. Delivering this level of seamless connectivity holds the key to elevating customer experience with fixed mobile convergence.
The seamless connectivity for a customer is a major benefit at the user end and enabling this new feature also helps the service providers in reducing their operational tasks. A robust AAA server is key to improving the subscriber experience and essential to supporting data services growth and new opportunities in fixed-mobile convergence. EliteAAA is a part of EliteCSM – Core Session Management platform that offers a flexible framework to services providers for Diameter and Radius stack. EliteAAA announced its latest version with work flow based AAA that enables operators easily design complex call flows from a single GUI in a multi-network scenario. This helps in a faster roll out of new services to market and improve customer experience.
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