Kevin Gray publisher of Fierce wireless and Chris Rice CEO of access solutions at STL discuss a wide range of topics including everything from 5G to greenfield brownfield deployments.
Hi my name is kevin Gray publisher of Fierce wireless.I’m here with Chris Rice CEO of access solutions at STL. We’re going to cover a wide range of topics today including everything from 5G to greenfield brownfield deployments and more but first thing is first chris um can you introduce yourself for the audience and tell us a little bit more about STL.
STL is an Indian company that’s a digital integrator they have fiber connectivity business, services business and now the newest business was just access solutions. The good news is you know we’ve been able to come in and basically adopt right from the very beginning not adapt the open networking principles and so we’re building an access solutions company around 5G.
I think this is going to be a good question for you is you’re going to have some good perspectives. How have you seen telecom change their networks and their strategies on on the advent of 5G in particular?
I think 5G is different it’s really been a confluence of at least three things that have happened that have affected telecom. Have this confluence of this open networking SDN cloud in 5G all coming together that are affecting the way that the operators are building their networks going forward.Folks have said well 5G will be the first G built on the cloud.
Now that is interesting everything you’re saying there about cloud. I was hoping you could break us down for us the difference between greenfield and brownfield deployments.I’ve been hearing a lot about those um could you help us out with that please.
So greenfield is hey I’m gonna go build my network from scratch I don’t have a network today I want to be in the business and so think of disruptors who were doing that around the world. You know Jio was an example of that in India.And then you can say well brownfield is really kind of more the classic of I’ve been in 2G I’ve been in 3G I’ve been in 4G I want to be in 5G and that’s always more of a transition kind of out with the old in with the new.
what are the possible roadblocks that operators may face during their transition journey from from legacy to open connect?
You know I think it’s what I’d call incrementalism. so I think that just be careful of that incrementalism really need to step back see the big picture and what are you trying to do and capture that trend incrementalism I like it so as 5G is gonna open up incrementally open up new opportunities for everybody uh what is uh
what would you say STL’s play is from an access solutions perspective.
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