Nitin Abbey December 20, 2022 No Comments

Data Science: A Complete Guide

Data science has been reshaping almost every industry with massive hiring growth over the last few years. Data is the most valuable asset, and businesses are eager to put time and money into analyzing heaps of data and focus their output on generating the highest ROI.  The data science market is set to grow from […]

Nitin Abbey December 20, 2022 No Comments

What is server virtualization?

When a server is virtualized, many abstracted virtual instances can be made and run on the same physical machine. With server virtualization, you may hide the number of actual servers, the processors, and the operating systems. Single-application computer hardware and software used to be the norm. This sometimes resulted in servers being limited to processing […]

Nitin Abbey December 20, 2022 No Comments

What are Saas (Software-As-A-Service) Applications?

Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS applications refer to a set of services where you can use the software in the cloud without installing it. It has an ever-growing market and may continue to rise exponentially with advancements in cloud technologies. According to Gartner, the SaaS market may grow by 21.7 percent by 2022. Read on to understand […]

Nitin Abbey December 20, 2022 No Comments

What is a network switch?

Network switches are computer network devices that help manage data flow. These switches have a memory and can identify devices connected to them; they can look up the arriving data packets, find the destination address, and deliver information to the correct device. A network switch in a computer network is essential if you want to […]