Nitin Abbey December 21, 2022 No Comments

Managed Services In-house or Outsourced?

More and more businesses are looking for ways to digitally change their IT infrastructure by introducing new systems, apps, and processes. Still, they must also decide how much control they want over these innovations. There are competing theories on the optimal approach when it comes to more labor and time-intensive procedures like electronic data interchange […]

Nitin Abbey December 21, 2022 No Comments

Building a Secure and Intrusion-Proof Network for the Digital Society

Cybersecurity has become one of the most demanding skills of this decade. Primarily because the increased technological advancement and accessibility have reduced the cost of cybercrime, increasing cyberattacks. Moreover, people have made themselves quite familiar with digital life. That means the stakes of cyber security have risen; Now, cybercriminals can get access to more data […]