Admin February 26, 2016 No Comments

MWC 2016 key take-away: Know how CSPs can Innovate, Optimize and Differentiate in a Wi-Fi World

     With the Mobile World Congress 2016 is abuzz as the event reaches its culmination. We have been able to witness new technological advancement, demos, several product launches, exciting announcements for the road ahead. The entire mobile industry is embarking on the journey of transformation and pioneering the digital disruption. Looking closely at the snapshot of […]

Admin February 25, 2016 No Comments

Monetising opportunity with VoLTE and VoWiMAX Network

How an operator monetized LTE & WiMAX services by offering multimedia services in one plan for the subscribers and enhanced their user experience? Elitecore technologies, a leading provider of B/OSS solutions, conducted a successful trial for VoLTE & VoWiMAX on this leading AF Vendor for IMS Networks. The trial was extensive and worked on multiple […]

Admin February 23, 2016 No Comments

IPLMS: The credible counter attack on Cyber Crimes

Today’s economy is digital economy with internet as the enabler.  Like any other tool it is also open to abuse. Cyber crimes where the suspects are utilizing a range of new technology innovations to ramp up attacks. Government and Intelligence agencies are realizing and adapting similar technology as a tool to effectively counter those attacks. […]

Admin February 16, 2016 No Comments

Hoteliers beating challenges to provide free Wi-Fi service

Internet is now as essential as television or air conditioner in a hotel room for guests. It is observed that Wi-Fi service has impact on hotel bookings worldwide plays a major role. Today, guest not only desire Wi-Fi availability in a hotel where they are staying, but they need faster connectivity without any interruption. It […]

Admin February 11, 2016 No Comments

Seize the Wi- Fi moment at MWC 2016

As the Mobile market continues to mature up more revenue opportunities are generated for mobile network operators, who are raring to monetize services. This is very well evident in the trend – everything is mobile, be it Finance, Healthcare, Education, Communication, Security, Home automation. Few new services are untouched by a mobile component, which is […]

Admin February 8, 2016 No Comments

Are IP Networks merely ‘Dumb tubes’ ?

    Why despite increasing market base, Telecom operators are under tremendous pressure to better their ROI from core infrastructure investments? Having invested billions of dollars in setting up the Network Infrastructure and other support services operators are still not able to leverage them for better margins. On the other hand OTT players and useers are leveraging […]