Admin October 14, 2022 No Comments

What Is Sandboxing, And Why Do We Need It?

Sandboxing in Cyber Security refers to running software or accessing a file in an environment isolated from your computer system. Therefore, any malware won’t harm your system. In this blog post, you will learn why we need sandboxing. Why is Sandboxing important? Say you got an email with a PDF attachment. The sender is a […]

Admin October 12, 2022 No Comments

What is Bandwidth in Networking?

The rate at which data is transferred between a group of computers and users across the internet or among a network of interconnected computers is referred to as network bandwidth. The volume of signals that can be sent over a connection is defined as bandwidth. Typically, internet bandwidth measurement is done in megabits per second […]

Admin August 23, 2022 No Comments

The Importance of Network Security in this Digital Age

Access to information is becoming increasingly important in this digital age. As businesses gain access to more valuable information through their Network Services, threats to network security, hacks, data breaches, and cyberattacks are becoming more common. Information security is critical for the success of a business. This makes cybersecurity a chief concern. Network security tools […]

Admin August 23, 2022 No Comments

How Can Blockchain Prevent the Next Pandemic?

Covid-19 exposed the flaws in our institutions for everyone to see. The world struggled through the pandemic despite several early warning systems in place. Supply shortages were rampant. Hospitals were flooded with patients they could not account for. The simple distribution and administration of vaccines proved a massive challenge amidst the public’s growing mistrust in […]

Admin August 22, 2022 No Comments

Cloud Computing in India: Scope, Benefits, Investments & Infrastructure

Cloud technology has become popular in India. Especially during Covid, when people worked remotely, its popularity grew exponentially. Moreover, high-speed internet has become more accessible; The 5G introduction will further increase the popularity of remote work and source  In this article, you can explore various points regarding India’s cloud infrastructure. Why Do We Need Cloud […]

Admin August 17, 2022 No Comments

Why is Cloud Computing Among Top Skills India Inc Hiring for?

Digital skills requirement in the modern tech-run world have become standard in the talent market in India, but tech companies are willing to hire cloud computing professionals demanding sky-rocketing compensation. Why so? Read on to know… Hiring for digitally skilled talent is at an all-time high in India following the pandemic’s downturn. Amazon Web Services’ […]

Admin August 16, 2022 No Comments

How Technology Will Drive Greater Fan Engagement In Sports?

Covid-19 has irreversibly changed the world. When it looked like crowds might never return to sports stadiums, businesses started innovating. Stadiums are working to change the sports experience permanently. Smart stadiums will use hundreds of HD cameras and increased screens everywhere to help fans navigate to their seats and find their way to the food […]

Admin August 8, 2022 No Comments

Is Metaverse the next-gen internet

“Facebook would strive to build a maximalist, interconnected set of experiences straight out of sci-fi — a world known as the metaverse”-Mark Zuckerberg When Mark Zuckerberg told the world about his ambitious new initiative of bringing metaverse to life, everybody knew that it is a step in the future of virtual reality. While envisioning his […]

Admin July 20, 2022 No Comments

Edge AI – Driving Next-Generation AI

Edge AI amalgamates two emerging technologies of today’s digital transformation era — Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As part of this, AI applications are deployed either directly on devices or on the servers closer to the devices. Therefore, it is called edge AI. AI computation takes place at the network’s edge, close to the […]

Admin July 13, 2022 No Comments

Cloud Security Solution

Today, almost everyone is using the cloud infrastructure whether it is for data storage, infrastructure, or services. With a large number of entities present on the cloud, the potential vulnerabilities increase significantly. The importance of the cloud in digital transformation goals has made the role of security procedures to fight internal and external threats more […]

Admin June 28, 2022 No Comments

Cloud and Connectivity in the 5G Era

With the introduction of the 5G network, business network infrastructure and design will be reimagined. 5G will unleash tremendous computational power. Low latency, greater capacity, and faster network speeds will be a catalyst, particularly for cloud computing. The deployment of the next generation of networks will speed up business adoption of the cloud. Let’s know […]

Admin May 24, 2022 No Comments

Marketplace Model – The Digital Economy Catalyst for CSPs

The current capacity-driven marketplace models of Telcos/CSPs will become obsolete very soon. The groundbreaking trends like phantomisation, growth of OTT, and the emergence of new and improved marketplace models offer new perspectives for telcos or CSPs to develop market models that align with current and future enterprise market needs and use cases. In this blog, […]