
Building stadiums of the future

We all have experienced the live streaming of sporting events from the comfort of our homes and know the joy we get when our favourite teams are playing. Broadcasting technology has revolutionised how sporting events are telecasted from the stadium to our smart televisions. But the magic and thrill of watching a game live sitting […]

STL TECH March 13, 2023 No Comments

Bridging the Digital Divide in the UK

The Digital Divide in the UK The “digital divide” is a growing concern in the UK, where access to technology and the internet remains unequal across the country. This disparity affects individuals, communities, and businesses, leading to unequal growth and opportunities. 93% of residents in rural areas in the UK have shown an increase in […]

STL TECH February 6, 2023 No Comments

Complete Guide to Managed Email Security Services

Our email inbox is the gateway to our organization and needs special protection. In recent times, email attacks have become more evolved and sophisticated and also not only increased in volume. More than 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email. Statistics show that 62% of phishing happens by capturing the credentials of at least […]

STL TECH January 30, 2023 No Comments

An in-depth guide for implementing a domain orchestrator

Telcos have now started prioritizing automation; there are several factors responsible for this. Companies continuously commoditize traditional resources and use agile concepts to become more competitive. Moreover, digital services have increased network demand. All these reasons have caused telecom players to be more efficient using automated services. They are trying to find a common closed-loop, […]

Nitin Abbey January 4, 2023 No Comments

5G and Fiber: The Next Digital Network Solution

5G networks promise to link people and things via intelligent networks and apps, all of which generate massive amounts of data. It aims to give the highest possible performance while also connecting additional devices. These optical networking solutions will allow and inspire a new generation of computing and technological innovation, transforming the way we live […]

Nitin Abbey December 21, 2022 No Comments

Building a Secure and Intrusion-Proof Network for the Digital Society

Cybersecurity has become one of the most demanding skills of this decade. Primarily because the increased technological advancement and accessibility have reduced the cost of cybercrime, increasing cyberattacks. Moreover, people have made themselves quite familiar with digital life. That means the stakes of cyber security have risen; Now, cybercriminals can get access to more data […]

Nitin Abbey December 14, 2022 No Comments

Know All About System Integration

For the last decade, the focus of technology-using industries has been the aggregation of various component systems or sub-systems that collaborate to deliver a whole functionality. Companies are increasingly utilizing system integration as they recognize the value and profit that it can provide. Rather than purchasing an off-the-shelf solution, system integration can increase employee productivity […]

Nitin Abbey December 14, 2022 No Comments

What is Container as a Service (CaaS) in Cloud Computing?

In cloud computing, Container as a Service (CaaS) starts, stops, manages, scales, hosts, and deploys containerized software packages. The entire infrastructure runs on cloud machines and network routing systems. A web portal interface or application programming interface (API) calls are used to access the service. What is CaaS (Container as a service)? Containers are software […]

Nitin Abbey December 12, 2022 No Comments

Market Trends and Emerging Technologies in Cloud Security

A secure, agile, real-time cloud platform that allows you to tune individual components throughout the customer and employee experience is mandatory. And it all leads to a scalable and differentiated experience. Security professionals are no longer solely responsible for cybersecurity. Instead, all digital and technology leaders need to make cybersecurity a top priority because people […]

Nitin Abbey December 12, 2022 No Comments

Introduction to Machine Learning and its Applications

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables you to predict results accurately, even if your application software is not explicitly programmed. Machine learning algorithms use sample data as input to predict output values. In general, machine learning aims to understand the structure of data and adapt it to a model […]

Admin December 5, 2022 No Comments

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing received unprecedented success during the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, and the trend continued after that, making it among the top most sought-after technologies. Most companies, from big to small, have shifted from physical IT infrastructure to cloud-based infrastructure as it offers a host of benefits, such as easy scalability, reduced costs, remote working, […]

Admin November 8, 2022 No Comments

Managed Cloud Services – The Road to Faster IT Modernization and Better Efficiency

Cloud computing has drastically changed how businesses operate, giving us countless opportunities. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the leveraging of cloud services. Because of this, cloud management solutions and cloud service providers are more important and needed than ever. The signs are clear. The cloud computing market is expected to reach $947 billion by 2026, […]