Himanshu Gaurav November 29, 2020 1 Comment

Digital Networks Take the Driver’s Seat

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: Foreword As Paul Romer, noted American economist and Nobel Prize recipient, would put it, “Technological advancement or its absence has historically been the deciding factor of the standard of human living.” Thanks to digital […]

Himanshu Gaurav November 21, 2020 1 Comment

STL’s dTelco™ Awarded at 2020 Glotel Awards

We discuss the following news in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: STL’s dTelco™ Awarded for OSS/BSS Transformation Excellence Honoured to be named the telecoms.com 2020 Glotel Awards winner for OSS/BSS Transformation Excellence. It’s a testimony to the innovative work we’re doing at STL in solving our […]

Himanshu Gaurav November 18, 2020 3 Comments

WiFi 101: Applications, Working & WiFi-6

What is WiFi? Most of the world knows WiFi as a form of internet network to which one can connect their devices wirelessly. Yet, beneath this simplistic view lies a sophisticated paradigm of communications technology that is enabling transformation of millions of lives via superfast, reliable access to the digital world. As per its definition, […]

Himanshu Gaurav November 17, 2020 1 Comment

All About 5G: The Next Big Thing After WiFi

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following 5G FAQs: What is 5G all about? 5G is the next buzzword in the field of wireless technology networking. Simply said, it is wireless technology’s fifth generation. The fifth generation of technology is expected to […]