Admin September 29, 2015 No Comments

Bill Shock Prevention! Take the Shock away

     Let me share a scenario – Mary a postpaid customer received her bill, she noticed she was unexpectedly charged $34,000 for international data and texting while visiting her sister in Haiti after the 2009 earthquake. Mary was clueless and was shocked to see the usage charges. As a result, neither did she pay those bills […]

Admin September 25, 2015 No Comments

An ‘App’ic story: Mobile Apps rejuvenating the Wi-Fi ecosystem

      In today’s scenario, telecom operators are looking forward to extending their reach, while adding value towards their customers in order to revitalize their growth strategy. And Wi-Fi is becoming quite central to achieve this goal. Wi-Fi is fast becoming ubiquitous. People constantly scan for Wi-Fi hotspots and are looking for free Wi-Fi wherever possible. It […]

Admin September 22, 2015 No Comments

Bandwidth on ‘whose’ demand- Customer or Operator?

Bandwidth requirements are growing rapidly because of the widespread acceptance of cloud computing, online video services, and mobile broadband. While the data usage is soaring but ROI on the network investment is still a big question because of either over utilization or under utilization of network efficiency. The concept of Bandwidth on Demand (BOD) has […]

Admin September 15, 2015 No Comments

Operators can rationalize and prepare for a agile product management.

In today’s real-time data driven operator scenario, every telecom service must create next generation products and services in shorter time to push ability of differentiating products and services, and gain headstart advanatge against competitors while maximizing their revenue streams. Business processes are feeling the heat to optimize and rationalize different layers within the BSS system. […]

Admin September 8, 2015 No Comments

NFV: The Bridge for CSP’s Success

Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) is not a concept, which has come into development recently. It has been around since 2012 when Deutsche Telekom, China Mobile, BT, AT&T and many other Telcos introduced the concept of NFV. The goal of NFV is to separate hardware from applications to eliminate the dedicated hardware devices for network functions, […]