Admin October 13, 2016 No Comments

The case for convergent billing

          The need for convergent charging has been a fairly simple one: telecom companies have been adding subscribers, and with that a growing market of diverse services. Billing and charging are critical components to any telecom infrastructure, and using convergent charging is a mechanism that will help drive simplicity and flexibility through a consolidated means […]

Admin October 7, 2016 No Comments

Telecom 2020: The future and beyond

      For the last two decades, the telecom industry has been driven primarily by continuous technical transformation, and the disruptions in the need to access information. Now, with the industry having matured significantly, the new waves of growth will hinge on service led models – models that are tied to consumption patterns than technical innovation. Such […]

Admin September 30, 2016 No Comments

Here’s why Wi-Fi is key enabler of IoT and M2M revolution

      The Internet of Things (IoT) has industry experts and consumers excited. Pegged as the next industrial revolution, or ‘the new internet’, IoT will lay the foundation of how businesses, governments and consumers interact with the world in near future. Research by Business Insider Intelligence projects over 34 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020 […]

Admin September 19, 2016 No Comments

A New Paradigm in Billing and Revenue Assurance

      To say that the telecom industry has grown, might be an understatement. Worldwide, there are 50 billion connected devices. Consumer demand for all things internet and mobile has seen unprecedented growth. And, with the advent of the internet of things (IoT), demand for internet and allied services (such as Public Wi-Fi) is only going to […]

Admin August 16, 2016 No Comments

Bandwidth management strategy-WHY?

Bandwidth management is the most complex and growing concern for majority of internet service providers. Some evolutionary internet trends and the rise of mobile technology are the triggers leading to the need of managing internet bandwidth efficiently. With increase in use of mobile devices and availability of internet service at public places, it is not […]

Admin July 28, 2016 No Comments

Real Time Billing for greater experience and retention

       In the backdrop of revival of global economy, the world is rapidly adapting digital technologies as the engine of growth and limitless opportunities. The digital economy has completely redefined the way consumers communicate on networks. Consumers today are getting used to real time information and access to operators’ services, need multiple digital channels like self […]

Admin July 11, 2016 No Comments

Serving customer an experience,the Omni-channel way

It is rightly said that “It takes months to find a customer and only seconds to lose one”. In today’s digital era, all products and services should be ‘Served’ keeping the customer at the centre of the product offering. Telco customers are no different, they want the access to operator’s services at a time and […]

Admin June 21, 2016 No Comments

Analytics and IP Log Management System: A mandate to succeed

     Like any other tool, internet can also be misused, abused to gain unfair advantage. According to Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2015–2020 – By the end of 2016, global IP traffic will reach 1.1 ZB (Zettabyte) per year, or 88.7 EB (Exabyte) per month, and by 2020 global IP traffic will reach 2.3 […]

Admin June 14, 2016 No Comments

Know Carrier NFV and the Orchestration Intricacies

Carriers are witnessing a trend that’s transformational rather than incremental in nature. Changing the way it’s deployed, managed and operated. This overhauling trend is “NFV – Network Function Virtualization”. Traditional architecture has long deployment cycles, costly replacements/add-ons to meet new requirements.  With limited capability to adapt dynamically to new service opportunities and use cases, inflexibilities […]

Admin June 9, 2016 No Comments

Need for an IP Log Management System in Nigeria

Recent News articles show Nigeria at the receiving end of Cyber attacks and crimes. I t needs to be checked sooner than later. According to Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC), at present, there are over 147 million active mobile connections in Nigeria. As the number of mobile subscribers increase, there is a dramatic increase in cyber […]