Himanshu Gaurav September 6, 2019 No Comments

TruRibbon: Connectivity for Data Centers

We discuss the following topics in this blog: Can HyperScale Data Centers Match Data Upsurge? How STL’s TruRibbon Ensures Increased Data Transmission? In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: What is WiFi? What is an Optical Fibre Cable? Can HyperScale Data Centers Match Data Upsurge? Technologies of the future […]

Connectivity That Bends & Blends Like Magic

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: How Do We Accommodate 5 ZB of Data Consumption per Year? Fundamentally, data travels as signals (or packets) of light in the fibres. In a single fibre, there are multiple wavelengths of light carrying […]

STL’s Data Surge Dream & the Challenges Ahead

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: Is Fibre the Facilitator as well as Limiter of Connectivity? As per Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast (2017-2022), annual global IP traffic is slated to increase to 4.8ZB by 2022. That’s 2.5x increase […]

5 Reasons Optical Fibre Should be Deployed By Experts

The Indian telecom industry is going through a phase of complete transformation. Competition is mounting, the price war is escalating, companies are merging and data rates are falling. These are the trends that dominate prime-time business news. But there is one more change that is sweeping the industry. This is hyperscale network modernization (network modernisation). […]