Admin September 6, 2019 No Comments

TruRibbon: Connectivity for Data Centers

We discuss the following topics in this blog: Can HyperScale Data Centers Match Data Upsurge? How STL’s TruRibbon Ensures Increased Data Transmission? In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: What is WiFi? What is an Optical Fibre Cable? Can HyperScale Data Centers Match Data Upsurge? Technologies of the future […]

Admin June 11, 2019 No Comments

Connectivity That Bends & Blends Like Magic

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: How Do We Accommodate 5 ZB of Data Consumption per Year? Fundamentally, data travels as signals (or packets) of light in the fibres. In a single fibre, there are multiple wavelengths of light carrying […]

Admin June 6, 2019 No Comments

3 Solutions to Meet Incessant Bandwidth Demands

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: Overview Well, yes! The global data demand is growing at a rapid rate, more precisely at 26% CAGR as per Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast, 2017-2022. What is the Reason Behind Such Massive […]

Admin June 6, 2019 No Comments

STL’s Data Surge Dream & the Challenges Ahead

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: Is Fibre the Facilitator as well as Limiter of Connectivity? As per Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast (2017-2022), annual global IP traffic is slated to increase to 4.8ZB by 2022. That’s 2.5x increase […]

Admin October 17, 2018 No Comments

STL’s LEAD 360 To Revolutionize Fiber Roll Outs

How often does it happen that incumbents disrupt the very space that they are operating in? Disruption is the by-product of keen understanding and a passion to transform things for the better. Indian optical fiber (optical Fibre) industry is more than 5 decades old and we have seen the rise and rise of fiber optic […]

Admin October 17, 2018 No Comments

5 Reasons Optical Fibre Should be Deployed By Experts

The Indian telecom industry is going through a phase of complete transformation. Competition is mounting, the price war is escalating, companies are merging and data rates are falling. These are the trends that dominate prime-time business news. But there is one more change that is sweeping the industry. This is hyperscale network modernization (network modernisation). […]