
Five Easy Steps to Ride the Digital Wave

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: 1: How Adopting Analytics is Key? The truth is, being clued in can get you very far. But, just possessing intelligence is not enough in today’s hyper-competitive world. You would also need to know how to […]

Global Availability of 5G Relies on New Networking Vision, Says STL at MWC Shanghai

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: Should Operators’ Architectures Become Programmable? If the customised, software-defined networks needed to enable affordable 5G are to be achieved, operators’ architectures must become programmable, open and disaggregated, Ayush Sharma, Head of Programmable Network & […]

What it takes for CSPs to Become DSPs

We discuss the following topics in this blog: Digital transformation is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Technology partners need to make a CSP feel safe through the reinvention process. Seamless, Agile and Flexible. In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: What is WiFi? What is an Optical Fibre Cable? Is There […]

Fibre Optic Sensing for Better Security

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: How to Provide Utmost Security to Those Who Protect us? The forces which protect our borders & coastlines from infringements also need to be protected. And so do the critical establishments that run across […]

Connectivity That Bends & Blends Like Magic

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: How Do We Accommodate 5 ZB of Data Consumption per Year? Fundamentally, data travels as signals (or packets) of light in the fibres. In a single fibre, there are multiple wavelengths of light carrying […]

STL’s Data Surge Dream & the Challenges Ahead

We discuss the following topics in this blog: In addition to these topics, we shall also be answering the following FAQs: Is Fibre the Facilitator as well as Limiter of Connectivity? As per Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast (2017-2022), annual global IP traffic is slated to increase to 4.8ZB by 2022. That’s 2.5x increase […]