
Giving a Hi5 to Residential Wi-Fi

Where do you think most people primarily need Wi-Fi connectivity? According to Parks Associates, by 2017, over 820 million households worldwide will have Internet service, with more than 94% of it being on broadband. Averagely, 60-70% users across Europe, US and UK have Wi-FI penetration.  It means neither public nor private hotspots come any close […]

Diameter Diaries: Introducing a Software-based Approach to the Signalling Environment

How Is Diameter Signalling Keeping Up with Technological Advancements? With the proliferation of next-generation devices, mobile operators are increasingly dealing with congestion, overload and latency in their networks due to nonstop signalling requests generated by chatting apps, video streaming and HD games. In a previous blog entry, we saw how Diameter signalling routers are addressing […]