
Decoding 5G- What is all the fuss about?

Decoding 5G- What is all the fuss about?

While 5G is right around the corner to open a world of opportunities, most people still haven’t fully understood how it’s a revolutionary technology. 5G will let the world run on secured connectivity options among all kinds of devices, including smartphones, robots, sensors, vehicles, and drones.

With technological advancements in several industries, it opens up new ecosystems while directly impacting the economy. From agriculture and healthcare to manufacturing and warehousing, every industry will benefit from the launch of 5G.

5G is powered by low latency and high output. As such, it will take a fraction of a second to transfer data from one network to another. Simply put, 4G features approximately 50 milliseconds of latency. In comparison, 5G requires only 1 millisecond to transfer the same amount of data.

The decrease in latency will bring revolutionary changes in several industries, thereby making it possible to manufacture autonomous cars, perform remote surgeries, and streamline logistical operations.

Why’s 5G so popular even before the launch?

With 5G, it’s possible to consider a world with numerous opportunities of connecting anything to everything. Imagine a world where doctors are connected to medical devices of patients, cars drive autonomously in traffic, and shoppers purchase basis augmented reality. All this will be possible with the launch of 5G.

5G will be the driving force for billions of connections. Moreover, these connections will be instantaneous and more secure. In the coming years, 5G will undoubtedly impact every major industry in the world. A huge network of IoT (Internet of Things) will be the catalyst to build a smarter and better-connected world.

5G will be a gamechanger in providing low latency, high speed, and better connectivity. It will empower a new generation of business opportunities, services, and applications. As far as use-cases are concerned, there are several as shown in the image below (Source: GSMA).

Let’s discuss three of the most immediate and prominent ones here:

Internet of Things (IoT) – 5G will allow seamless connections among billions of devices. Using 5G networks, machine-to-machine communications will be faster and streamlined. Moreover, human intervention won’t be needed to manage these large-scale platforms. 5G has the potential to revolutionize industrial applications and processes at a scale never seen before.

  1. Reliable low latency communications – 5G will allow critical communications with real-time control. Some industries that would benefit from low latency include safety systems in vehicles, safer transport networks, and autonomous driving. Additionally, low latency will open up a world of opportunities in healthcare treatments, procedures, and devices.
  2. Improved mobile broadband – 5G will ensure greater capacity networks with faster data speeds. Among new applications, you’ll find outdoor broadcast mediums, fixed wireless internet connectivity for homes, reliable broadcast vans, and better connectivity for individuals using smartphones.

Smart Cities and Businesses – As mentioned earlier, 5G will allow connections among billions of devices. As such, it’s potential for impacting smart cities can’t be overlooked. Using 5G, communities and governments will be able to provide better facilities in schools, homes, transport systems, healthcare, and education

Similarly, businesses will have a much better grasp on the wealth of data available to gain insights. Data analytics will help businesses and industries take smarter decisions to impact revenue and operations. With 5G, innovations in agriculture, manufacturing, logistics, aviation, and fintech can’t be overlooked. Data-driven decisions will pave the way for long-term growth, better customer experience, and cost savings

Emerging Technologies – Virtual and augmented reality are examples of two latest technologies that have made it possible for enhanced connections and experiences. The addition of 5G will make these technologies accessible and available to everyone. With VR and 5G, people will be able to enjoy live concerts, seamless virtual meetings, remote gaming competitions, and several other remote opportunities empowering digital economies.

The smart cities of tomorrow will benefit from 5G and allow for better connections while opening up new avenues for the world to explore and experience. 5G will bring forth a new era of globalization that will benefit all and offer opportunities that haven’t yet been realized yet.