
Impact of adverse cable handling on lifetime of optical fiber

Impact of adverse cable handling on lifetime of optical fiber

Optical fiber experiences various stresses during its lifetime starting from proof-testing, cabling, installation and in-service life. For long term reliability prediction, it is required to determine in-service lifetime and in-service failure rate for various fiber stress histories like constant tension in buried cable or sudden jerk during cable installation, and adverse cable handling like accidental cable “dig-ups”. However, a fiber length that is subjected to a constant applied service stress which doesn’t vary with time, is the most common situation for which reliability prediction is made. Thus, there is a need to understand impact on lifetime of fibers exposed to abnormal stress-time profiles such as in cable “dig-ups”. In this paper various fiber lifetime prediction models are discussed. Fiber lifetime and safe stress are predicted based on stress-time histories and long length (20 m) tensile strength distributions.

A set of experiments that can validate the lifetime models, are conducted on fiber with pre-defined testable stress-time exposures. Once validated, these models are used to provide predictions of fiber lifetime of cables exposed to abnormal stress -time profiles.