

Optische Faser Unter Glasfasertechnik versteht man die Technologie und das Medium zur Übertragung von Daten in Form von Lichtimpulsen entlang eines hochreinen Glasfadens, der so dünn wie ein menschliches Haar ist. For many years, optical fibres have been extensively used in high-performance and long-distance data and networking.Whenever someone makes a phone call, checks a website, […]


Stellar G.657.A2 biegsame Faser mit 9,1 µm MFD, kompatibel mit bestehendem Netz With the explosion in data consumption worldwide, network operators are under increasing pressure to innovate and scale data transmission. Cutting-edge optical fibres have become their key enablers to foster FTTH and 5G technologies and bring about deeper geographical expansion. STL Stellar Fibre is […]